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Fruitnet: “Dockflow delivers peace of mind”

New digital solution can help shippers prevent exorbitant demurrage/detention fees in times of Covid-19 Forwarders, shippers, and importers have long complained about unreasonable demurrage and detention charges. However, the issue has ballooned in recent months as the coronavirus pandemic is heavily distorting cargo flows. The combination of blanked sailings due to a lack of critical […]

Dockflow nominated for Data News Belgian Startup Company of the Year award

Dockflow Team

We are honored to be receiving a nomination for the Data News Awards for Excellence in the Belgian Startup Company of the Year category. These awards are the result of a solid selection process by the editorial staff of Data News, the readers of Data News and a jury of ICT professionals. Having a good […]

Our team’s favorite tunes to work from home

While working from home during these challenging times, a great playlist will help you to be more productive from your home office. Here are our favorite tunes, from our team to yours. Have a safe and productive day! Spotify YouTube Apple Music

How you can reduce cargo damage in container shipping

In maritime container shipping, multiple parties handle cargo, creating unique challenges around communication and accountability. This post explores common causes of cargo damage and practical tips for minimizing risks, from proper container stuffing to advanced tracking solutions. Common causes In overseas maritime container shipping, there are many different parties involved. A great advantage of this […]

Artificial Intelligence in logistics ≠ The physical internet (yet)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking an increasingly central role in the logistics industry. You could call it a real AI craze. Every week new articles pop up preaching the technology and how it will become the solution for the ever-growing complexity of the logistics industry. Additionally, most articles and blog posts mention the same reports […]

2020’s Key Logistics Trends: Transforming Supply Chains

Technologies are changing the logistics and supply chain landscape at an unprecedented pace. CIOs and IT leaders must help their organizations adapt in this changing world. The logistics trends are structured around the idea of “people-centric smart spaces,” which means considering how these technologies will affect people (i.e., customers, and employees) and the places where […]

The fight to grab a piece from the $1.2 trillion global shipping industry pie

A wave of digital disruption is about to hit the global shipping industry, affecting sea and road freight forwarders. Start-ups are using digital technologies to develop a variety of innovative business models that will dramatically improve the customer experience and eliminate entrenched operational inefficiencies. These digital business models have the potential to overturn the dominant […]

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