So how 💩 are carrier ETA’s actually? The data analytics approach
Reliable ETA’s (Estimated Time of Arrivals) are key for an optimized operational planning and supply chain process improvement, and getting them has been a challenge since the invention of – well, ever. Often, ocean carriers are blamed for providing unreliable ETA’s, leading to lots of manual tracking and employee time wasted. From our research however, […]
Webinar: Is Blockchain the Holy Grail for logistics?
Blockchain is rapidly growing in more and more industries, but how will it affect logistics? By automating the supply chain and implementing IoT, blockchain could go far into the industry. It could provide benefits such as reducing costs, record-keeping, and inventory tracking. Get the full overview of the pros and cons of blockchain in ports and […]
OPINIE – Maersk en IBM blockchain: een zinkend schip?
Volgens Maersk & IBMÂ gaat het bij TradeLens om een heuse vernieuwing. Maar volgens mij is het besef gekomen dat de joint venture tussen beide partijen haaks staat op de bestaansreden van blockchaintechnologie. Blockchain heeft immers als doel de macht bij de deelnemers in het netwerk te leggen, zodat zij onafhankelijk van een tussenpersoon handel kunnen […]
Blockchain shipping: a new shipment protocol
Cryptocurrencies are fun, exciting, and easy to understand, so they’re getting the most coverage in the blockchain revolution. However, the underlying blockchain technology is already getting tested in dozens of industries, from agriculture to energy to art. Blockchain shipping and freight is another new development. It’s poised to change the entire chain of custody for how the goods we buy […]
5 populaire blockchain-mythes onder de loep genomen
Blockchain. Het is een van de meest gehypete woorden van het moment. Het is nochtans geen simpel concept en de bijhorende misverstanden zijn alomtegenwoordig. 1. “Blockchain kost overdreven veel energie en is daarom ook slecht voor het milieu” Deze mythe is onder andere ontstaan door nieuwsberichten dat de mining van Bitcoins evenveel energie zou verbruiken als Ierland (jawel, een […]
Barriers to Blockchain data sharing in maritime logistics
New technology brings new possibilities, and there is no shortage of articles praising the benefits that blockchain will bring to the maritime logistics industry. The claims are that using Blockchain, processes can be executed more securely and faster than with the current paper and electronic interfacing approaches. Is this really so? Let’s take the example […]