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Barriers to Blockchain data sharing in maritime logistics

Data Center

New technology brings new possibilities, and there is no shortage of articles praising the benefits that blockchain will bring to the maritime logistics industry. The claims are that using Blockchain, processes can be executed more securely and faster than with the current paper and electronic interfacing approaches. Is this really so? Let’s take the example […]

Hackathon of the port: one year after (pt 2)

To address the digital challenges of the maritime and logistics industry in Antwerp, the port-hackathon “Logistics of the Future” took place in December of 2016. During the event, more than 200 participants – twice the number of participants of the World Port Hackathon 2016 in Rotterdam – from Belgium, Singapore, Mexico, Russia and Israel worked […]

NxtPort en data sharing: kunnen we het wel?

Woensdag jongstleden werd in een Co-Envision-sessie – powered by NxtPort – nagedacht rond digitale douane. Belangrijke mannen met invloedrijke mandaten, bakken ervaring en een gewichtige stem in het ons-kent-ons wereldje van de Antwerpse haven. “Hoera”, denkt elke gebruiker van het niet-altijd-even-beschikbare PLDA (PaperLess Douane en Accijnzen) systeem. Wie na het VOKA douanecongres nog deels op […]

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